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Brampford Speke, Upton Pyne & Cowley Community Land Trust

Affordable homes for local people and community land for our parishes

This webpage sets out the details of a new development in Brampford Speke being proposed by the Community Land Trust. It would include the village's only green community-owned land and a small group of affordable homes for people with a strong local connection.

We want to hear your thoughts and ideas about the project - Please see below for details of an open consultation event and an online feedback form. 

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Sustainably managed community land

The proposed project at Stonilands, south of Stooks Close offers the opportunity to create Brampford Speke's only public green space. This would provide an accessible and enjoyable outdoor space for recreation, healthy exercise and community gatherings, as well as a useful spot for local dog walks.


Just as the CLT has achieved in Lake's Down, Upton Pyne, the land would be sustainably managed to increase biodiversity. The local community would be fully involved in designing this space to ensure Brampford's only public green space meets everyone's needs. Holding this land in community ownership also safeguards valuable open spaces for the benefit of future generations, shielding them from unwarranted development and preserving the character of our local area.


The community land would also provide Brampford Speke School with guaranteed and free access to green space for exercise and sport, something it currently lacks.

Affordable homes for people with a strong local connection

The availability of affordable homes for local people is an essential element of a thriving community. This allows people to continue living in our parishes despite rapidly increasing house prices and rents.


In 2021 Brampford Speke with Upton Pyne & Cowley commissioned Devon Communities Together to produce Housing Needs Surveys. These demonstrated a need for more affordable homes for local people in both our parishes.


The affordable homes in Lake’s Down, Upton Pyne have allowed local people to stay close to friends, family and dependent relatives. They have also allowed them to continue going to local schools and work. The quotations from the residents of the affordable homes tell the stories of this immeasurable positive impact on the lives of local people.


Whenever a Lake's Down home becomes available to rent we receive interest from multiple people with a strong local connection, demonstrating again the need for more affordable homes for parishioners.


The current households living in Lake's Down's seven affordable homes have strong local connections. Recent counts assigned Brampford Speke (three households), Upton Pyne (three households) and Cowley (one household).


Following the Housing Needs Survey, both Brampford Speke and Upton Pyne & Cowley Parish Councils confirmed their support in principle for the building of a small number of new affordable homes for local people. This general plan has also received positive support from employers and other organisations in our communities. Read quotations of support

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Before Lake's Down was built we couldn’t afford to live in the village due to high rent and house prices. Moving to Lake's Down meant that we are able to live in the village I grew up in, stay close to my parents, the children could go to the local village school and we could be involved with the village community. Affordable housing for local people is paramount to the continuity of villages like ours and we really appreciate the house we live in.

Resident, affordable housing, Lake’s Down, Upton Pyne

Read more quotations of impact and support

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Proposed new project

Since the results of the Housing Needs Survey in 2021 the Community Land Trust (CLT) has explored eight possible sites across the two parishes.


We have now identified a site at Stonilands, south of Stooks Close in Brampford Speke which we would like to propose as a site for nine new affordable homes for people with a strong local connection. This potential new project would also include a sizeable piece of community-owned recreation land.


The site would be known, in planning terms, as a Rural Exception Site, meaning that planning permission for housing is only capable of being granted if the major proportion of housing is 'affordable' (i.e. significantly below market rents) for local people. The land for the affordable housing would be free, but the landowner would get planning permission for three new homes for private sale or rent. This is a very similar deal to that for the land at Lake's Down in Upton Pyne. 


The CLT is now seeking feedback from the community prior to taking the project forward to planning. 

Affordable housing at Stonilands Field, Brampford Speke for BSUPC Community Land Trust.

Option 4 illustrative pencil sketch plan and perspectives showing a possible layout based on Farmyard precedent and based on very approximate site survey information, scale 1:1250. 

Download the plan here:

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Before Lake's Down became available we were living in Brampford Speke with grandparents and one child. The house was over-crowded. It means so, so much that we can live in Lake's Down. We have our own place to call home which is secure and affordable, especially for the area.

Resident, affordable housing, Lake’s Down, Upton Pyne

Read more quotations of impact and support

We'd love your feedback! Complete this short survey to have your say.

I work near here, grew up here and have family here. I wanted to stay in the village but there was no way I could afford anything locally. I am so thankful that this affordable house came up at just the right time.

Resident, affordable housing, Lake’s Down, Upton Pyne

Read more quotations of impact and support

Community needs and benefits
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Community land

The potential for Brampford Speke's only green public space for local people wanting to get together and get outside

Community spirit

Helps maintain a social and age balance in our community, increases support for community-led activities and organisations and strengthens support for an improved bus transport link

Plants for Sale

Local employers

Enables employers to recruit locally and reduce their carbon footprint


Sustainable homes

The homes will follow in the footsteps of the previous project at Lake's Down, and will be built to be energy efficient and maximise solar gain

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Housing Needs Survey

Housing Needs Survey found about 10 new affordable homes are needed for local people


Minimising impact

Proposed project has been designed to have little visual impact on the rural view and will follow the Village Design Statement. We also hope it will be possible to remove the unsightly transformer, power line and poles near the project at the entrance to the village


For rent in perpetuity

Homes not subject to tenancy buy-back legislation, so they continue to benefit local people

Protecting our fields

Reduced risk of East Devon District Council re-imposing a building quota

Affordable local homes

Lake's Down homes are in high demand, with eligible local people missing out each time

Community involvement

The local community would be heavily involved in designing this community land to ensure Brampford's only public green space meets everyone's needs

Brampford Speke School

Provides the School with guaranteed and free access to green space for exercise and sport


Working with nature

The homes will be sited to protect existing mature trees and enable further planting of local species. The community land will be managed sustainably.

Who will live in the homes?

There are two main criteria people must meet to be eligible:​

1. Local criteria

Applicants must be able to prove that they have a strong local connection to Brampford Speke or Upton Pyne & Cowley Parishes ('the parishes'). 


The exact criteria will be set out in the Section 106 agreement with the planning authority, but as an example these are the criteria which apply to the Lake's Down affordable homes project:

  • The person has lived in the parishes for 3 out of the 5 years preceding the allocation; or

  • The person has immediately prior to the allocation lived in the parishes for 6 out of 12 months preceding the allocation; or

  • Immediate family have lived in the parishes themselves for 5 years preceding the allocation; or

  • The person has permanent employment in the parishes with a minimum contract of 16 hours per week which has continued for the 6 months preceding the allocation without a break in employment of more than 3 months in such employment.



2. Devon Home Choice criteria

Applicants must be registered with Devon Home Choice – a web-based system which advertises and allocates subsidised rented homes in Devon.


Successful Applicants must qualify for a housing need by nature of their current circumstances (e.g. overcrowding or living with parents) and have income less than 6 times the local housing allowance. In East Devon (April 2024) this equates to:

  • 1 Bed:    £45,250 p.a.

  • 2 Bed:    £57,100 p.a.

  • 3 Bed +: £68,500 p.a


If you think you may be eligible and would like to be considered for future vacancies please let Sally Discombe know at so we can support you as appropriate.

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My son, daughter and I were living in a two bedroom house and having to use our front room as a third bedroom, leaving us no communal space. We now have a secure three bedroom home close to the children's school and their dad in Brampford Speke.

Resident, affordable housing, Lake’s Down, Upton Pyne

Read more quotations of impact and support

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The impact of Lake's Down in Upton Pyne

When the development of new affordable homes for local people and community land was first proposed in Upton Pyne some local residents had concerns. But these were overcome through careful planning and community involvement in the project. 


Click the button to find out more:

Lake's Down has given me a place to call home. Previously I was living with my parents nearby and now I have my own front door. I just want to say a big thank you to the CLT for making it possible.

Resident, affordable housing, Lake’s Down, Upton Pyne

Read more quotations of impact and support

The CLT: An all-volunteer not-for-profit group

The Community Land Trust is a group of local volunteers, operating a not-for-profit organisation for the benefit of the whole community.


Find out more about the CLT here:

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We are also looking for people who share our belief that the availability of affordable homes and sustainably managed community-run land are essential elements of a thriving, local community. If this is you please contact Sally Discombe, our Membership Secretary, at for more information about becoming a member of the CLT. 

Before I had the opportunity to move into the affordable housing in Lake's Down I faced a lack of security and accommodation which, because of its age, was expensive to maintain and heat. Now my tenancy is secure and that is a marvellous feeling. I owe a debt of gratitude to all those whose hard work and good decisions brought about the affordable housing at Lake’s Down.

Resident, affordable housing, Lake’s Down, Upton Pyne

Read more quotations of impact and support

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