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18 Bulb planting.JPG

Community bulb-planting in Lake's Down, Upton Pyne

What is the Community Land Trust?


The Brampford Speke, Upton Pyne & Cowley Community Land Trust (CLT) is a  Community Benefit Society answerable to the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA).  Our members are a group of local volunteers, operating this not-for-profit organisation that works to provide affordable homes for people with strong local connections, and public green space for the whole community. The CLT’s role is to coordinate the inputs from the two Parish Councils, East Devon District Council, Devon County Council, public subsidies, the landowner and a housing association. 


If you think you may qualify or know someone who might be in need of affordable housing, now or in the future please contact Sally Discombe -

Sally will add your name to our contact list. She will answer any questions you have and help guide you through the process. Your details will be treated confidentially. 


We are a welcoming and inclusive group. People of any age who share our vision are very welcome to join our organisation. Membership costs £1. Please contact us for more information.







Creating affordable homes for local people and community space for all in Brampford Speke and Upton Pyne & Cowley Parishes

The word “affordable” says it all - many local people on perhaps a below average wage will never stand a chance of getting a decent home unless the rents are indeed affordable.

Community Land Trust Member

Read more quotations of impact and support

CLT Directors

The Directors are elected annually by the members of the CLT. The current Directors are:

  • Stewart Wass (Director and Chair)

  • Lisa Langdon (Director)

  • Sally Discombe (Director and Membership Secretary)

  • Simon Grundy (Director)

  • Bob Short (Director and Treasurer)

  • Phil Thomson (Director)

It is increasingly difficult for local people to find affordable housing in the South West, because of prices and availability. Family members and local employees including health workers, need the support of local initiatives such as the CLT.

Community Land Trust Member

Read more quotations of impact and support

I’m keen to help young people from the village have a chance of bringing up a family locally.

Community Land Trust Member

Read more quotations of impact and support

'Planning gain' explained

The finances of providing affordable housing in rural areas almost certainly will mean that a few open market homes or self-build plots will have to be provided alongside the affordable homes. Lake’s Down in Upton Pyne is an example of this.


The development of a mixed affordable homes and private sector houses site by a landowner in partnership with a housing association and led by a Community Land Trust is known by the planners as a 'rural exception site'.


The 'planning gain' created by the award of permission for change of use, typically from agricultural to housing, is shared between the landowner and the housing association. 


For the landowner the planning gain is realised on sale of the private sector houses. The landowner makes enough profit on the transaction to make it worthwhile to sell their land, but nowhere near as much as if they were allowed to do so independently (which they are not).


For the housing association (a not-for-profit organisation) the planning gain is realised as a reduction of the cost of the affordable homes, so they can charge lower rents to cover the capital cost.

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